Abby Govindan Captivates New York City with Stand-up Set "How to Embarrass Your Immigrant Parents"

by Sravya Balasa

Scrolling through my feed one day, a snippet of Abby Govindan’s comedy set piqued my interest. The authenticity with which she combined her experience growing up as a South Asian woman in America with comedy was not only relatable but hilarious. Her one-hour set in front of a packed house at the Bell House in Brooklyn, New York on January 7th was no different.

If I had two words to describe the set, it would be warm and captivating. Govindan drew us in with tidbits of her life story from childhood to college, sharing jokes about the South Asian American immigrant kid/parent experience that felt like parts of my own life story.

As a South Asian woman myself, I find myself going to non-POC comedy shows and feeling as though they missed the mark on tasteful humor, but Abby honored the South Asian experience with class. Throughout the show, she painted a vivid story, weaving serious conversations with candid humor.

I’m unbelievably proud to see such a strong South Asian woman break into the space, and I encourage you to watch her make magic on a stage near you.

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