Defaced Duality

by Andrew Lee

“Defaced Duality” is an artistic exploration of the contrasting ideologies I have witnessed as a Korean American. Through recent years, our food has been widely accepted and cherished for its vibrant, bold flavors. The cuisine—marinated meats, rice dishes, seasoned vegetables—is integral to our identity. Korean food is a beautiful display of tradition and culture; for it to be so appreciated by people outside our community, I am proud. Despite this, however, comes the ceaseless anger I feel every time our eyes are mocked. The natural shape of a mere body part is, and continues to be, a laughingstock. Although these two facets—our food and our eyes—may seem entirely unrelated, they serve as a reflection for the cherry-picked manner in which many minority groups are treated. You cannot adore one aspect of an entire heritage while constantly vilifying another. This dichotomy of appreciation versus disparagement was something I personally wanted to explore through my artistry. “Defaced Duality” was a narrative—a glimpse into my Korean American life.

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