Finding the Light

by Sydney Yeh

The medium I chose to use for this piece was digital. With digital, you have the freedom to play with different textures and brushes, which allows the piece to be abstract, realistic, and geometric all at the same time. The chalky and streaky texture of the background weaves into the shape of the 旗袍 (qípáo), creating a juxtaposition between the realistic style of the painting’s subject and the more painterly background. This piece represents the journey to accepting my identity and immersing myself in my culture. Especially in the social and political climates of current events, I find it all too easy to hide my identity in fear. I used this piece to express these feelings of suppression, release, and acceptance through the movement of the lanterns that dance across my composition. The girl and her beautiful red 旗袍 are lit by the paper lantern she holds, which contains her wishes. Her childlike eyes are glazed with emotion that could be interpreted as excitement, happiness, or sadness. The tears in her eyes reflect her dreams for the future as she stands proudly in front of a sky painted red--a lucky color in Chinese culture--and the dark night aglow with a trail of floating lanterns. The lanterns in the background symbolize the many others who have finally and truly accepted themselves. I wanted this piece to express how beautiful everyone’s unique cultural background is and how it’s even more beautiful when we let go and share its beauty with the world, lighting up an otherwise dark night.

IMG_0145 - Sydney Yeh.JPG
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