Oppression Blooms in a Silent World

by Chloe Sun

As the internet has discovered in recent months, there has been a large-scale, devastating genocide targeting the Uyghur Muslim minority unleashed by the Chinese government under the guise of "re-education camps." Mass sterilization, forced abortions and mandatory birth control make up a campaign that has swept up more than 1.5 million people in the largest incarceration of an ethnoreligious minority since the Holocaust, according to NPR. Large corporations American consumers actively buy from are complicit in this as well, as top brands like Nike, H&M, and Gap are linked to forced Uyghur labor, and Disney's new live-action movie Mulan was filmed party in China's Xinjiang province where Uighur Muslims are put in internment camps.


This piece brings awareness to the situation and pleads for substantial and decisive action to be taken by world powers and corporations. Uyghurs are human beings, and celebrate a beautiful culture, as seen here through a Uyghur girl wearing traditional dancewear. Meanwhile, the red backdrop emits a sense of urgency. Lastly, the bleeding white flowers over the girl's face are a symbol of death in Asian tradition, and show how the beauty of her people is actively being erased by the merciless Chinese government while the rest of the world stays silent to her pain.

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