it's about identity theft

I guess it’s hard about to write about the boxes I check off on a resume,

as hard it is to write about the veins i bleed from

or maybe it is all inept;

i lose blood but i don’t lose my body

i don’t lose the flesh that binds me

‘asian lady’ or the brain that builds me

‘scared little boy’

question: is it my curves that make me trans

or the fact that i hate them?

and does it make me more or less jewish to know

that nobody can tell?

and is it worthwhile to read this

are you a frankenstein, a mutt like me

lapping at the water of the womb

are you tired of all these questions

try being your own

are you angry that i’m angry

try staying awake

miami9 - Abhi Velaga.jpg
Sebastian SnowComment