nebulas // birth of a star

by yagyesha roy

cover photo by valerie lo

she is five 

the first time she goes to a museum

and sees art

she wonders

what it would be like

to create some herself. 

to bring to life

even the beginnings

of a masterpiece

by her own hand. 

( she is five

the first time she looks at the stars

in awe

E3D0B08B-A401-41D7-B591-E3860337DD5F - Valerie Lo.jpeg

and not in boredom. 

she fantasizes about

what it would be like

to reach out and touch one. 

to feel

even the remnants

of stardust

in her palm. )

she is eight

the first time she hears the phrase

our starving artists

she wonders

how much money

artists make. 

can they even

support themselves


in this economy?

could she become

could she even

could she survive

( she is eight

the first time she learns about astrophysics

and realizes it is about stars

and science. 

she fantasizes about

what it would be like

to study science and not art

would she be able

to support herself


in this economy?

she could become

she could have

she couldn’t

her parents would be proud. )

she is eleven

the first time she drops the pencil

and stops drawing. 

she wonders

what it would be like

stuck in a boring future

would she be stable?

would she be safe?

would she be happy?

( she is eleven

the first time she looks up at the stars

in anger and disgust

instead of awe. 

she fantasizes about

what it would be like 

to love only the stars and stark lab coats

to not leave 

longing glances 

at paint stained jeans and fingertips. )

she is twelve

the first time she realizes

that poetry is just as powerful as art

she wonders

what it would be like

to create some herself. 

to weave words on a page

into something more

something whole

that she could call her own

( she is twelve

the first time she realizes

that she can love the stars and hate science. 

she fantasizes about

what it would be like

to realize this from the start

to not be plagued

by a series of questions

until this sudden clarity. )

she is thirteen

the first time she picks up a pencil

and starts writing. 

( she is thirteen

and too old to fantasize about

mapping constellations with her mind. 

she knows

about gravity

and the universe

and space. 

she is thirteen

and too old to fantasize about

walking on the moon. 

she knows

about michael collins

and nasa

and budget cuts. 

she is thirteen

and too old to fantasize about

reaching the stars with her fingertips. 

she knows

about astrophysics

and rocket science

and calculus. 

she knows

about supernovas

and black holes 

and how touching the stars would burn her. 

she is thirteen. 

she is thirteen, 

and holding a pencil in her hand. 

and maybe

just maybe

she thinks

i can become a star myself. )

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